When Wisconsin’s legislators gather on Thursday, November 7 for a session to consider new legislation proposed by Gov. Tony Evers on restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns, it’s likely to result in a sham session.

That’s because the Republican leader of the state senate has already declared that he’ll immediately adjourn the session after calling it to order. What arrogance!

Senate leader Scott Fitzgerald obviously feels that the governor’s requests have no merit – as do probably all or most of the Republicans in the chamber.

Or could there be another reason? Is it that Fitzgerald and his cohorts don’t want to be on record for being opposed to the potential legislation? An immediate adjournment prevents that from happening.

Given such a scenario, the legislators are likely to collect both a per diem and mileage despite what Fitzgerald intends to do. What happened to the idea of not spending taxpayer money foolishly?

Even the local weekly newspaper (Tri-County News), which has a quite conservative political stance, published an editorial on October 24 which suggested that Evers’ proposal deserved some debate – something which Fitzgerald intends to prevent with his abuse of power.